A New Day

IMG_6024IMG_6067IMG_6023IMG_6026The sunrise this morning was cloudy for a while, followed by sun – just so pretty I had to share it with you. It’s a new day and a new school year (my kids have only been back to school 6 days). What’s still green now will look very different in a few short weeks!

Enjoy the day!

….His mercies begin afresh each morning. Lam 3:23

22 responses to “A New Day”

  1. North Carolina? Very beautiful.


    1. NC sounds wonderful!! No, I’m in New York! Thanks for visiting :).


  2. How blessed you are to live on such a beautiful piece of property. Your photographs are lovely.


    1. Thank you for the comment and visit! I appreciate it very much.


  3. I could handle sitting with a cup of coffee and enjoying this scene as the new day begins. Relaxing and Beautiful! Thanks for finding and following my blog. Blessings


    1. Thank you as well. I really enjoyed looking through your blog today. Your family is so blessed to have such a thoughtful, godly man as their Patriarch!


      1. Thank you for such a sweet compliment! blessings to you and your family!


        1. I meant it! Blessings right back to you!!:)


  4. Lovely photos, great start to your week, no weather like than on my end 🙂


    1. I hope you get better weather soon! Thanks for visiting…I appreciate it!


  5. Beautiful! Is that your yard?


    1. Yes, that is part of my yard. We have a few acres, so I try to get out there and just stare at it sometimes! Thank you for commenting :).

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What a beautiful sunrise, and a great reminder that He makes all things new each and every day. Thanks for sharing!


    1. Thank you for the comment and for visiting! Have a wonderful afternoon :).


  7. God Bless you and your family! A beautiful new day, indeed. Hugs to you.


    1. Thank you! The freshness of the early morning hours makes everything seem “possible”. Always a new start at sunrise!


      1. So lovely expressed by you. Blessings my friend. 🙂


  8. Very beautiful. A new beginning to a hopefully beautiful day!! Blessings my friend!!!


    1. Thank you! Blessings right back to you :).


  9. What a pretty way to start the day. Thanks for sharing those lovely pictures!!! Have a great day!


    1. Thank you! You have a great day too! 🙂


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